
This is the information held in the database about Lovett.

I continue to clean the data (I am aware that there are duplicate resuls for example). If you can fill in any gaps (dates for examples), have any other results, or spot any errors please email us at:

Time Trial Results


Note: Tri = Tricycle; Tan = Tandem; TT = Tandem Tricycle

Distance      Course

A T Lovett 2ndClub 2 miles 1878-10-16
2 miles      Bexhill Road

Road Race Results


Distance      Course

Lovett 1stClub Handicap Final 2 miles 1879-04-14
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
Lovett 1stClub Handicap Heat 1 2 miles 1879-04-14
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 3rdClub Handicap Final 5 miles 1882-07-26
5 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 2ndClub Handicap Heat 2 5 miles 1882-07-26
5 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 1stClub Mount and Dismount Final 2 miles 1882-07-26
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett Club Handicap Final 1 miles 1882-07-26
1 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 2ndClub Mount and Dismount Heat 2 2 miles 1882-07-26
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 1stClub One Legged Race Final Central Cricket Grou...
Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 2ndClub Handicap Heat 2 1 miles 1882-07-26
1 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett Club Handicap Heat 4 2 miles 1882-05-29
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 2ndClub Handicap Final (Club) 2 miles 1882-05-29
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 2ndClub Handicap Heat 2 (Club) 2 miles 1882-05-29
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 3rdClub Handicap Final 3 miles 1880-08-07
3 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 3rdClub Handicap Heat 1 3 miles 1880-08-07
3 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 1stClub Plank Race Final Central Cricket Ground 18...
Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett Club Handicap Heat 1 5 miles 1880-07-23
5 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 3rdClub Mount and Dismount Final 2 miles 1880-07-23
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett Club Handicap Final 1 miles 1880-07-23
1 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 1stClub Plank Race Heat 2 Central Cricket Ground 1...
Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 1stClub Mount and Dismount Heat 2 2 miles 1880-07-23
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 3rdClub Handicap Heat 2 1 miles 1880-07-23
1 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A J Lovett 4thClub Handicap Final 2 miles 1880-05-17
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A J Lovett 2ndClub Handicap Heat 1 2 miles 1880-05-17
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A J Lovett 3rdClub Handicap Final 2 miles 1879-08-04
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A J Lovett 2ndClub Handicap Heat 1 2 miles 1879-08-04
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 1stClub 150 Yard Slow Race Final Central Cricket G...
Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 2ndClub Handicap Mounting and Dismounting Final 2 ...
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 4thClub Championship Heat 2 5 miles 1879-07-09
5 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 1stClub 150 Yard Slow Race Heat 2 Central Cricket ...
Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 2ndClub Handicap Mounting and Dismounting Heat 1 2...
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
A T Lovett 2ndClub Scratch Heat 1 1 miles 1879-07-09
1 miles      Central Cricket Ground

Newspaper Articles

Hover over an image to see more detail.


Hastings Observer
The Bicycle Club.—The half-yearly meeting of the Hastings and St. Leonards Bicycle Club was held at the Swan Hotel on Thursday evening. Mr A J Lovett was elected vice-president; Mr E C Gilbert, captain ; Mr. T Butcher, sub captain; Mr W Carswell, secretary; whilst Mr. A J White was re-elected treasurer. The rules were revised, and the future meetings will be held at the Swan Hotel the first Thursday in every month, at 8 o'clock p.m. The club is in a flourishing state, there being a good balance in hand.

Hastings Observer
Bicycle Club.—The annual meeting of the members of the Hastings and St. Leonards Bicycle Club was held at the headquarters, at the Swan Hotel, on Thursday evening. There was a good attendance. The following were re-elected without opposition—Mr A J Lovett, vice president; Edward C Gilbert, captain; S Philcox, sub-captain; W Carswell, hon. secretary; A J White, treasurer. The following business was also transacted: —The machines kept for the use of learners were ordered to repaired; fresh rules were directed to be printed; and the usual weekly runs arranged. The books, which had been previously audited, showed a substantial balance in hand. The proceedings terminated with vote of thanks to the Chairman for the great interest he had taken the club since its formation.

Hastings Observer
The Bicycle Club. The annual dinner in connection the Hastings and St. Leonards Bicycle Club, which is now in a more flourishing state than it has been since its formation, took place at the Swan Hotel on Wednesday evening, when about twenty sat down to a most sumptuous spread, served up in Host Collins's well-known style. The chair was occupied by Mr A J Lovett, vice-president of the Club, and the vice-chair by Mr E C Gilbert, captain; and there were also present, Mr C B Gaitakell, Mr T Gilbert, Mr French (captain of the Maidstone Bicycle Club), Mr Butchers, Mr White (treasurer), Mr T Ainsworth, Mr F Ellis, Mr J Stace, Mr Carswell (secretary), Mr Sims, Mr Reed, Mr Philcox (sub-captain) Mr Crissford, Mr Wellerd, Mr Veness and Mr A Lovett jun.
The cloth having been cleared, those present having 'charged' their glasses,
The Chairman gave the health of 'The Queen, and the rest of the Royal Family' which was drunk with enthusiasm.
Mr E C Gilbert next gave the toast of 'The Army, Navy, and Volunteers'. The former were too well known to them to need any remarks on their behalf from him. Of the volunteers he could only say that they had two or three corps in the town, and he thought they were as good as any throughout the kingdom. (hear hear.) He coupled with the toast the name of Mr. George Hutchings.
Mr Hutchings in response, said he was not at the present time a member of the rifle corps, but be had served his three years, which he thought every young man ought to do, and he then left on the condition that he was to join again if he was ever wanted by Captain Cooper. In conclusion, he thought that the honour of England would be best served by the maintenance of peace.
Mr. Butchers proposed the next toast, and he supposed that why he had to do so was in consequence of his leaving the town, and of his being about the only member present of the original club. The toast he was sure they would drink a most cordial manner. It was 'Success to the Hastings and St. Leonards Bicycle Club,' coupled with the name of Mr A J Lovett, the Vice-President. When the club was started, they first met at Miss Garrett's rooms in Castle-road, and they had been established but a very few weeks when they were introduced to Mr Lovett. That gentleman had been a kind help to them since that time through many difficulties, and the club would not be in the flourishing state it then was if it had not been for him (Mr. Lovett). He had also supplied them with a bicycle for learning, and introduced a new member in his son, who, though the youngest, was the pluckiest and best rider they had in the club. He (the speaker) himself thanked the Vice President personally for the business like manner in which he had carried out the duties of his office. He had known Mr. Lovett out of doors as a gentleman, and indoors as a thorough business man. He had much pleasure in proposing the toast.

Mr Lovett returned them his sincere thanks for the kind manner in which they had drunk his health, and also Mr. Butchers for the way in which he had spoken of him. With reference to the club itself, they could take a very cheerful view of the case. He saw around him all the faces that he had the pleasure of seeing last year, and believed that they were steadily increasing in numbers. They had several very good riders, some were coming on, and he thought they would come on very well indeed. The had had some talk of challenging other clubs, and trying to win prizes; if not that, to give some away, they had such a good sum in hand. Last year they had a substantial balance in hand, but this year there was a still larger one. If 'they went on in the future as they had done in the past they were sure to succeed. He again thanked them for the kind manner in which, they had received the toast.

The Chairman said he had to propose a toast was sure they would all drink with pleasure, and it was really the most important one of the evening —"The health of the Captain, Mr E Gilbert." (Applause.) He had all the drudgery to do, to pick out the muddy parts of the road, and to keep the recruits away from them. He was a kind of monthly nurse. He encouraged alI those that could ride, and tried to make those ride who could not do so; and the least they could do was to drink to his good hearth.

Mr Gilbert, in response, said he in no way deserved the praise their- Vice-Presidet had given him; he could not say much with regard to the club after that gentleman's speech. He (the speaker) would always do his best carry out the duties, and he hoped they would have many pleasant runs during the year. He again thanked them, and said it would be his pleasure to do his best for the club—which he hoped would prosper in every way.

The Chairman gave " The sub Captain, Mr S Philcox." That gentleman always made himself agreeable, and kept the young recruits from, looking too much after the girls. (Laughter.) He did not know what they should do without him, as he was very useful as well as ornamental.

Mr Philcox, in responding, said that if the club needed his assistance at any time he should be most happy to give it. The little he had done for the club had been done most willingly. He thanked them most heartily for the manner in which they bad drunk his health.

Mr C Wellerd gave "The health of the Secretary, Mr. Carswell," and in doing so said be was glad that they had chosen that gentleman for their secretary, he was all that could be desired, and had done all he could for the benefit of the club.

Mr Carswell returned them his most hearty, thanks. They were a young club, and it was rather difficult to establish one of that kind, the sport not being so popular as many others. He trusted they would all do their best, and work together to keep the club established. They were in a flourishing condition, and as regarded the funds, they had a satisfactory balance.

Mr S Philcox proposed "The Health of the Treasurer.'

Mr White responded in humorous speech.

Mr E Gilbert then gave "Other Clubs," coupled with the name of Mr. French, Captain of the Maidstone Club.

Mr. French thanked them for the hearty manner which they had received the toast. He was happy to say that thought bicycling was on the increase. With reference to his own club, he was sure they would be pleased to meet them at any time, and the Maidstone Club wished their Hastings brethren every success.
Mr White gave "the Visitors," coupled with the name of Mr T Gilbert.

Mr. Gilbeert thanked them for coupling his name with the toast, and assured them that he was very pleased to meet them there. He was happy to hear that the club was in such prosperous state, and he trusted to see them going on improving.

The remaining toasts were "The Ladies," proposed by Mr Reed and responded to by Mr. Gaitskell; "The Press," proposed by the Chairman and responded to Mr Hutchings ; " Mr. French, the Pianist; and "The Host and Hostess."

There was some excellent singing during the evening by Mr T Ainsworth, Mr Crisford. Mr C Wellerd, Mr T Gilbert, Mr E C Gilbert, Mr Carswell, etc.

Hastings Observer
The Hastings and St. Leonards Bicycle Club. Half-yearly meeting.

The half-yearly meeting of the Hastings and St Leonards Bicycle Club was held, at the club-room, Swan Hotel, on Thursday evening, when the chair was occupied by the Vice President, Mr. A. J. Lovett: and amongst those present were Mr T Gilbert (Captain), Mr A J White (Treasurer), Mr W Carswell (Secretary), Mr Smith, Mr Reed, Mr A Sims, Mr A Lovett, jun., and Mr T Stace.

The Chairman called upon the Secretary to give them short statement to hew they stood.
The Secretary said that at the last half-yearly meeting they had a balance in hand of £3 8s. 6d. The members' subscriptions since that time had amounted to £3 10s., making total of £6 18s 6d. After all expenses had been paid, there would be balance hand of £4 8s. There were eighteen subscribing members and eight honorary members at present. Four new members where then proposed, and the two representatives of the local press present (the Observer and Chronicle) were made free members.

The election of officials was then proceeded with, as follows:-Vice-President, Mr A J Lovett; Captain, Mr E C Gilbert; Sub-Captain, Mr S Philcox; Treasurer, Mr A J White; Secretary, Mr W Carswell; Committee (in addition to officers of the club), Mr C Wellerd, Mr A Sims, and Mr W Cutting.

The rules of the club wen then gone through, and several alterations made.

It was also decided to have regulations for riding, the first- and most important being that each member should have a bell affixed to his machine when riding in the evening after dusk, when he was travelling through crowded thoroughfares. The others were principally instructions as to the orders of the Captain and Sub-Captain.

The removal of the head quarters to a more central position of the borough was next taken into consideration.

Mr E C Gilbert said he had seen Mr Donald, of the Seaside Hotel, who had stated that he should be happy to place a room at the disposal of the club. The position would be a more central one, and more convenient to the members. He moved that the head-quarters be removed to the Seaside Hotel. .

In answer to one of the members, Mr Gilbert said the terms would be the same as they had the present room on.

Mr Sims seconded the motion, which was carried.

A vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the proceedings.

There will be a meet of the club on Good Friday, when the members will ride to Hawkhurst where they will be met by the Maidstone Club.

Hastings Times
Hastings and St Leonards Bicycle Club.

The quarterly meeting of the above Club was held on Thursday evening at the Seaside and Pier Hotel, under the presidency of A J Lovett Esq. A good number of members were present.
The Chairman first of all called upon the Secretary (Mr William Carsell) to read the report, the substance of which was follows:

Financial report for the half year April 4 to October 3. 1878.

£  s  d
Balance brought forward 4  8  0
Receipts 3  7  6

     Total 7 15  6
Expenditure 1  5  0
Balance in hand 6 10  6
     Total 7 15  6

The report showed that 11 members had joined during the half-year, and one resigned, the present number being 31.

The CHAIRMAN, in thanking the secretary for his report, said he had one little thing to mention, for which he was extremely sorry, and that was that their captain (Mr Edward G Gilbert), who had given the club so much attention, had had the misfortune of meeting with an accident, which would incapacitate him from riding for some time. He wished to thank him for the manner in which he had attended to the various meetings of the club.

The CAPTAIN thanked Mr. Lovett for letting them have his name upon their club programmes, and for his attention with which he had favoured them. He proposed that gentlemen should continue his office as vice president of the club. He would be unable to hold the captaincy for some time, owing to his recent accident, as be would not be able to ride for some two or three months; however, he hoped some day to be able to ride again, end moved that the captaincy should be left open for a month.

The CHAIRMAN thought it would be better to leave it open for three months, when he hoped Mr. Gilbert would be restored, or that be should continue or that he should continue his office during the three months.

The CAPTAIN absolutely agreed to remain in office until the next meeting.

SUB-CAPTAIN. Respecting the election of sub-captain, it was agreed that that office should be raced for.

SECRETARY. Mr William Carswell was re-elected secretary of the club, and presented with the thanks of the members, for the efficient manner in which he had discharged his duties.

TREASURER. Mr Alfred J White was re-elected treasurer of the club.

COMMITTEE. The following is the result of the balloting for the three members who should act on the committee of the club: Messers Wellerd 7 [votes], Stills 7, Cutting 6, Haman 4, Veness 4, Packton 4 and Simkins 4.

A RACE FOR AN OFFICE. The Captain proposed that Mr Stile should preside over the run to be held on Wednesday, the 16th last, at four o'clock, for the sub-captaincy, the riders to meet at Carlisle Parade, after which the members and friends should meet for a social meeting at the Seaside and Pier Hotel, at half past eight o’clock. [see 19 October 1878 report]

PRIZES. It was agreed that the sub-captain should be presented with a bicycle bugle, and that a second prize be offered to the second rider, of a bicycle lamp and bells.

CLUB MEETINGS. The social meetings of the club were proposed to be held every Thursday at the Hotel, at half-past eight o'clock, for the members and friends of the club. The third Thursday in the month however was to be reserved for the business meetings.

Hastings Observer
The Bicycle Club.—After a closely-contested race of about a mile-and-a-half, on Wednesday, Mr H F Style won the sub-captaincy of the Hastings and St. Leonards Bicycle Club, Mr Arthur Lovett [A Lovett]being two yards behind, and Mr T Beckton a bad third. In the evening a supper was held at the Seaside Hotel, the headquarters of the club, when Mr. Style was presented with the first prize, a silver bugle, the second prize being a bicycle lamp and bells, and the third a silver flask.

Hastings Times
Mr H F Style, after a closely contested race of about one mile and-a-half won the sub-captaincy of the Hastings and St. Leonards Bicycle Club on Wednesday, Mr Arthur Lovett [A Lovett] being two yards behind, and Mr Becton a good third. In the evening about 18 members partook of an excellent supper at the Sea Side Hotel, when Mr Style was presented with the first ???? a bicycle bugle, the second prise being a bicycle lamp and bells, and the third a silver flask.

Hastings Observer

The half-yearly meeting of the members of the Hastings and St. Leonards Bicycle Club was held at the Seaside Hotel on Thursday evening, the chair being occupied Mr. Lovett. There were also present Mr E Gilbert, Captain; Mr Styles, Sub-Captain; Mr F Amon, Secretary; Mr White, Treasurer; and Messrs. A Lovett, jun., G Hutchings, Palmer, McCormick, Beckton, E Timewell, Sparks, Weller, Simms, Akers, Hinton, Veness, and Reed.

The minutes the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

The report, which was as follows, was read and adopted :

'The Committee present to the members their annual report and balance-sheet, from which it will be seen that the Club prospering in satisfactory manner, both financially and as regards an increased number of members. The Club runs for the past season, although enjoyable and successful, were not numerous. This was, no doubt, owing, in measure, to the inclemency of the weather. During the past quarter nine members have been elected, and one only (in consequence of leaving Hastings) had left the Club. The Committee particularly desire that members will endeavour to ' turn out' in satisfactory numbers for the weekly runs during the approaching season, which will be posted on the notice-beard in the usual way. The balance-sheet showed that after paying all expenses there would be £2 1s 6d. in hand. The receipts amounted to £8 16s.'

The next business was the election of officers.

Mr. E Gilbert said he had been trying to persuade Mr. A Lovett, sen. [A J Lovett], to act as president of the Club, but he had not succeeded in doing so. He therefore moved that Mr Lovett and Mr O Travers should be elected Vice-Presidents, the higher office being left vacant.

Mr Amon seconded, and the motion was carried.

Mr. Lovett said he would always be happy to be of any assistance to them, and he had no doubt he might say the same for Mr Travers.

The following officers were also elected: Captain, Mr E Gilbert; Sub-Captain, Mr Styles; Bugler, Mr Palmer; Secretary, Mr. Frederick Amon; Treasurer, Mr. White.

It was proposed that the sub-captaincy should be raced for, but the motion was lost.

The following gentlemen were elected as committee, together with the officers the Club: — Mr G Hutchings, Mr Simms, and Mr T Beckton.

"Success to the Club Runs" was then enthusiastically drank, after which some discussion ensued with reference to a list road-rules, etc, which had been drawn up by the Captain and Sub-Captain. These were of a most useful character and were eventually adopted.

The opening run of the Club was announced to take place on Wednesday next, at four o'clock, the journey being to Robertsbridge and back. The organisation a race meeting in connection with the Club was left the hands of the Committee.

The organisation of a race meeting in connection with the Club was left in the hands of the Committee

The proceedings terminated with vote thanks to the Chairman.

Hastings Observer
THE PEDESTRIAN FETE IN THE CRICKET GROUND. A pedestrian fete was held in the Central Cricket and Recreation Ground in the afternoon of Monday [14 April 1879], but owing, no doubt, to the dampness of the ground and the threatening aspect of the weather, the spectators were not nearly numerous as on previous similar occasions. The several events on the programme were carried out under the management of Mr S Watling, of Brighton, Mr. G F Finn officiating as handicapper and referee, and Mr H Cheal as starter. The band of the Hastings Rifle Corps was engaged, and played selections during the afternoon. Mr H Love, of the Pilot Inn, supplied the refreshments. The results of the racing were follows : ...

Two Miles Handicap Amateur Bicycle Race. —This race was restricted to members of the Hastings Bicycle Club only. There were eight entries, and it was run in two heats. In the first Lovett [A Lovett jun], 20 yards start, won and Gilbert, scratch, was second. In the second, Philcox, 10 yards start, was first; and Styles, scratch, second. The final heat was won by Lovett, Philcox being second, and Gilbert, third. Lovett, a young lad, rode remarkably well, and succeeded in overlapping his opponents, and passing them in splendid style, amidst loud applause from the spectators. ...


Hastings Observer
THE HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARD BICYCLE CLUB. FIRST ANNUAL RACE MEETING. The first annual race meeting in connection with the Hastings and St. Leonards Bicycle Club, was held in the Central Cricket and Recreation Ground, on Wednesday. The weather was most inauspicious, heavy showers of rain falling during the afternoon; the attendance, therefore, was small. Mr Otho R Traver officiated as starter and Mr A J Lovett as judge. Mr French, of the Maidstone Bicycle Club, also assisted. The following are the results of the races :—

One Mile Club Championship Scratch Race. 1st prize, Championship Medal, presented Mr A J Lovett; 2nd, handsome Inkstand, presented by Messrs. Randle and Jenner : 3rd, Telescope, presented by Mr. Reed.

1st Heat
C A Palmer ....................1
A T Lovett....................2
S Philcox....................3
S S Thompson....................0
H Davis....................0
W L G Hinton....................0

Palmer went to the front at starting, and maintained his lead throughout. Davis was second, and kept so for about half-distance, when he was overtaken by Lovett, Philcox, and Thompson. At the finish the positions remained unaltered.

2nd Heat
E C Gilbert....................1
H F Style....................2
F W Beck....................3
J W Tutt....................0
E E Thompson....................0
F Amon....................0

Gilbert had it all his own way, and won easily.

Two Mile Handicap Mounting and Dismounting Race.—1st prize, a handsome-framed Painting, presented by Mr J Dearie; 2nd, a Biscuit Box, presented Mrs Story; 3rd. silver-plated Saloon Air Pistol, presented by Mr A J White.

1st Heat
H Davis, 50 yds start....................1
A T Lovett, scratch....................2
F W Beck, 150 yards....................3
F Amon, 100 yards....................0
W L G Hinton, 200 yards....................0

Davis soon took the lead, and maintained it throughout, winning easily. Lovett, however, who was gaining ground, dismounted too late, and had to go back, thus throwing himself behind some distance.

2nd Heat
A W Chesterfield, 100 yards start....................1
C A Palmer, 20 yards....................2
H F Style, scratch....................3
T Beckton, 60 yards....................0
E E Thompson, 100 yards....................0

Chesterfield won easily, having it all his own way with the good start given him. Beckton rode well for some distance, but he then gave up. Palmer was second and Style third.

150 Yards Slow Race.—1st prize, a Handsome Cup, presented by Mr C B Allen; 2nd, Flask, presented Mr H F Style.

1st Heat
H Davis....................1
E C Gilbert....................0
C A Palmer ....................0
S S Thompson....................0
A W Chesterfield....................0

All five competitors started, but the wind was evidently too strong for the slow pace at which the machines travelled, one after the other capsized until only Davis was left.

2nd Heat
A T Lovett....................1
E E Thompson....................2
F W Beck ....................0
C Davis....................0
F Amon....................0
W L G Hinton....................0

Lovett and E E Thompson were the only two who reached the winning-post, the others falling after the start.

3rd Heat
H F Style....................1
T Beckton....................2
S Philcox ....................0
J W Tutt....................0
A J White....................0

Style and Beckton were the only two to go the whole 150 yards, and finished in the order named.

Five Mile Club Championship Race.—1st prize, a Handsome Clock, presented by Mr. C B Gaitskelll; 2nd. Race glass, presented by Mr J C Brown, .of London; 3rd, a Gold Pin, presented Mr. J Fisher.

1st Heat
H F Style....................1
E E Thompson....................2
C Davis ....................3
J W Tutt....................0
C A Palmer....................0
F Amon....................0
T Beckton....................0

C. Davis went away with the lead, F Amon being second, Style third, and Thompson fourth. Amon soon passed Davis, however, but shortly afterwards fell back into second place. The third and fourth men kept close company, and gradually gained on their opponents, and eventually took first and second place, Davis being third. In this order they came in. Beckton met with accident and had to retire; Amon also capsized.

2nd Heat
E C Gilbert....................1
S Philcox....................2
S S Thompson ....................3
A T Lovett....................4
H Davis....................0
W L G Hinton....................0

S S Thompson went away with the lead, Gilbert being second, Philcox third, and Lovett fourth. This order was maintained for sometime, when Thompson capsized, which threw him back into fourth place, about fifty yards behind Lovett. He, however, was soon up and at it again, being loudly cheered as he gained on the others. He soon overtook Lovett, and came in third, he having ridden exceedingly well. Gilbert was first, and Philcox second.

One Mile Consolation Race (Open to Members riding in two of the previous races, and not winning a prize). 1st prize, a Writing Case, presented by Mr Otho R Travers; 2nd, a Gold Pencil Case, presented by Mr E C Gilbert; 3rd, Thermometer, presented by Mr F Amon.

H Davis....................1
E E Thomson ....................3

This was the best race of the day, six starting. They kept in close company during the whole race. H. Davis was first, being about a foot in front of Beck. E. E. Thomson finished third, about the same distance in front of Hinton.

Final of One Mile Championship
Philcox ....................3

This was an excellent race, the competitors keeping well together for some time. Gilbert and Palmer then went a little ahead, and had a hard fight for first place. Gilbert, however, was misinformed as to the number of rounds, and lost a lead which he had obtained. He put on a spurt, but could not again overtake Palmer, who won by about a yard, Philcox being third.

Final of Two Mile Handicap Mounting and Dismounting
Chesterfield 100 yards start....................1
Lovett scratch....................2
Style scratch ....................3

Chesterfield again had everything his own way, and won by about 120 yards. A Lovett was second, and Style third.

Final of 150 yards Slow Race
Lovett ....................1
Beckton ....................2

Only two reached the goal, Beckton going in first and Lovett second. Lovett thus took first, and Beckton second prize.

Final of Five Mile Club Championship Race
S S Thompson....................3

This was a good race between Philcox and Gilbert, who kept re-passing each other, and had hard fight for first place. Gilbert eventually won by about ten yards. S S Thompson was third.
The prizes were presented at the close of the race.

Hastings Times
Pedestrian Fete Cycle Results
… Two Mile Handicap Bicycle Race. 1st prize, a silver cup, value £7 7s; 2nd a gold medal, value £3 3s; 3rd, a silver medal value at £1 15s. The race was in two heats, the two first in each heat to go in the final. Is the first heat, J R Hamilton, Druids' Bicycle Club, who started at scratch, gradually passed his four opponents, and came in first. A J Lovett, Hastings Bicycle Club, 150 yards start, being a good second. Great excitement prevailed when Lovett, who is a little fellow, hard pressed the winner during the latter part of the race. In the second heat E Gilbert, Hastings Bicycle Club,100 yards start, was first, winning easily, and H Stiles, Hastings Bicycle Club, 160 yards start second. G Hilton, of Hastings, gave up towards the end of the race. The final was a most interesting struggle between the four. Gilbert soon passed Stiles and Lovett, but was eventually overtaken by Hamilton, who won by about half-a-dozen yards, amidst much cheering. Gilbert being second. A struggle for the third took place between Stiles and Lovett, who were riding abreast until nearing the goal, when the latter put on a spurt and won by three or four yards.


Hastings Observer
The Pedestrian Fete
The Annual Grand Pedestrian Fete took place in the Central Cricket and Recreation Ground on Bank Holiday. There was large attendance, as many as 5,000 people being present. The events consisted of four handicap races and a two-mile Amateur Bicycle Race. The entries to the races were exceedingly large, and the good number that came to scratch reflected great credit on the the Handicapper, Mr. H Cheal, who was also referee. Mr. S White acted as starter. The refreshments were supplied by Mr. Maplesden, of the Anchor Inn…
Two Mile Handicap Bicycle Race.—1st prize, a Silver Cup, value £7 7s. ; 2nd, a Gold Medal, value £3 3s.; 3rd, a Silver Medal, value £1 15s. The race was in two heats, the first two in each heat to go in the final. In the first heat, J. R. Hamilton, Druids' Bicycle Club, who started at scratch, gradually passed his four opponents, and came in first, A J Lovett, Hastings Bicycle Club, 150 yds. start, being a good second. Great excitement prevailed when Lovett, who is a little fellow, hard pressed the winner during the latter part the race. In the second heat, E C Gilbert, Hastings Bicycle Club, 100 yds. start, was first, winning easily, and H Stiles, Hastings Bicycle Club, 160 yds. start, second. G Hilton, of Hastings, gave towards the close the race. The final was most interesting struggle between the four. Gilbert soon passed Stiles and Lovett, but was eventually overtaken by Hamilton, who won by about half-a-dozen yards, amidst much cheering, Gilbert being second. A fine struggle for the third prize took place between Stiles and Lovett, who were riding abreast until nearing the goal, when the latter put on won by three four yards.
The races concluded, the rowdy element introduced itself, and free tights were the order of the day, one individual, who assaulted a police-constable, being conveyed to the lock-up.

Hastings Observer
Hastings & St Leonards Bicycle Club
The annual meeting of the members of this Club was held at the Head-quarters, the Seaside and Pier Hotel, Thursday evening, Mr. A J Lovett being in the chair. There was a large number of members present.
The Secretary's statement showed the Club to be a complete success in every way.
The following officers were elected :—President, Sir. U J Kay-Shuttleworth, Bart., M.P. ; Vice-presidents, Messrs. A J Lovett, and O R Travers; Captain, Mr. E C Gilbert; Subcaptain, Mr. A Chesterfield; Hon. Secretary, Mr. F Amon; Treasurer, Mr. A J White; Bugler, Mr. C A Palmer.
There were three retiring members on the Committee—Messrs. C Davis, Beckton, and Sims—and these offered themselves for re-election. Messrs. J Tutt, H F Style, and C Wellerd, were also proposed, and on a ballot being taken, the successful candidates were Messrs. C Davis, H F Styles, and J Tutt.
Mr. E C Gilbert (Captain), referring to the general state the said he was very pleased to say the Club runs for the last quarter had been well attended. Two or three them, however had had be abandoned on account of the bad weather, but the whole, they were more successful than the previous quarter.
Messrs. Sparks and Wollvin were elected members.
It was decided that the whole of the members meet at head-quarters every Thursday, at 8.30, during the winter months.
The revision of the rules was left to the Committee.
It was announced during the meeting that the annual dinner would be held in November.
A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the proceedings.

Hastings Observer
Funeral of Bicyclist

On Wednesday last the mortal remains of Mr. Charles Davis, eldest son of Mr. J. Davis, of Grand Parade, were conveyed to their last resting place the Borough Cemetery. Deceased was a member of the Hastings Bicycle Club, and several the members attended the funeral. Amongst them were Mr A T Lovett (Vice-President), Mr E Gilbert (Captain), Mr Chesterfield (Sub-Captain), Mr Palmer (Bugler), Mr F Amon (Secretary), Mr A J Lovett, Mr Chester, Mr. Styles, Mr. S. S. Thompson, Mr. E. Thompson, Mr. Hinton, Mr. Beckton, Mr. Beck, Mr. R Parker, &c. All the members wore their uniforms.

Hastings Observer
The Cricket Ground Pedestrian Fete.
The Grand Pedestrian Fete, organised by the Amalgamated Friendly Societies of Hastings, in the Cricket Ground on Monday and Tuesday, attracted large numbers of spectators, on the former day especially, when the sports were witnessed by some 4,000 people…

Two Mile Amateur Bicycle Race - First prize, a silver cup, value £7 7s.; 2nd, a gold medal, value £3 3s.; 3rd, a silver medal, value £1 10s. For this race there were nine entries, divided into two heats. In the first heat the five competitors entered started, four of the riders being members of the Hastings Bicycle Club.

1 T Woolven, who had 260 yards start, was never overtaken, and won;
2 A J Lovett, with 200 yards start being 2nd;
3 G S Row, Hornsey BC the scratch man, 3rd; and
4 W Chesterfield 4th.
5 T Ellerback, 300 yards start, gave up on being passed by Woolven.

In the second heat three of those entered started, the absentee being H H Arnold, of Hastings, who had 150 yards start

1 E C Gilbert, Hastings, 100 yards start, passed the winning post first;
2 M Pritchard, Druids BC, 25 yards, being 2nd; and
3 F Beck, Hastings, 300 yards, 3rd.

It may be added that the latter competitor was very much out of form through recent indisposition. The final, which was run later on in the evening, was the most attractive feature of the programme, the two first each heat contesting, and the race was watched with a deal of interest.

It was Woolven's first appearance at a racing meeting and, therefore, his qualities were not known; but his riding in the first heat was remarkably good, and it was predicted that he stood a good chance for the first or, at least second place in the final. Gilbert's riding was pretty well known as well that of Lovett, and it was naturally anticipated that the scratch man knew his way round. Woolven had a start of 260 yards, and he was followed by Lovett, Gilbert having 100 yards start of the scratch man. Lovett lost ground, and Gilbert passed in somewhat early part of the race. The scratch man, whose ""form"" was much admired, gradually drew towards his opponents, and having passed Lovett, reached Gilbert, and, with a fine spurt, slipped into the second place. Woolven had, throughout the race, carefully preserved his lead, riding in first rate form for a novice. Although the scratch man began to warm up, it was thought impossible that he could seize the lead, and at the close of the race

1 Woolven still unpassed,
2 Pritchard was second, and
3 Gilbert third.
4 [Lovett]


This is a list of documents held in the database. This does not include start and result sheets. These can be accessed via the results page or through the Clubs Page

Club/Association Date

Club Newsletter April 1983
Newsletter  (Index #: 590)
Club Newsletter April 1983
Newsletter  (Index #: 1866)
Membership List 1983
List  (Index #: 1862)

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