Richard Longley

This is the information held in the database about Richard Longley.

I continue to clean the data (I am aware that there are duplicate resuls for example). If you can fill in any gaps (dates for examples), have any other results, or spot any errors please email us at:


Note that 12 Hour trophies will sort both Time and Distance

Trophy Time    MPH
Event Distance

Richard LongleyJunior Evening Medal1981

Time Trial Results


Note: Tri = Tricycle; Tan = Tandem; TT = Tandem Tricycle

Distance      Course

Richard Longley 30m 10s
Club 10 miles 6 April 1980
10 miles      Q10/12
Richard Longley
Sch Under 16
Club 10 miles 4 June 1978
10 miles      G813
Richard Longley
Sch Under 16
30m 39s
Club 10 miles 3 June 1979
10 miles      G813
Richard Longley
Sch Under 16
26m 16s
Rodney CC 10 miles 19 September 1981
10 miles      Q10/19
Richard Longley 25m 41s
De Laune CC 10 miles 5 September 1981
10 miles      Q10/19
Richard Longley
Sch Under 16
25m 30s
Sydenham Wheelers CC 10 miles 15 August 1981
10 miles      Q10/19
Richard Longley
Sch Under 16
25m 40s
Ashford Wheelers CC 10 miles 25 July 1981
10 miles      Q10/19
Richard Longley 26m 22s
San Fairy Ann CC 10 miles 7 June 1980
10 miles      Q10/19
Richard Longley
Sch Under 16
DNSSouthborough Wheelers CC 10 miles 26 April 1980
10 miles      Q10/19
Richard Longley
Sch Under 16
Gravesend CC 10 miles 29 March 1980
10 miles      Q10/19
Richard Longley 26m 14s
Ashford Wheelers CC 10 miles 26 July 1980
10 miles      Q10/19
Richard Longley 28m 42s
Club 10 miles 14 May 1980
10 miles      Q10/12
Richard Longley 28m 26s
Club 10 miles 21 May 1980
10 miles      Q10/12
Richard Longley 27m 42s
Club 10 miles 28 May 1980
10 miles      Q10/12
Richard Longley 29m 55s
Club 10 miles 9 March 1980
10 miles      Pevensey
Richard Longley 28m 49s
Club 10 miles 31 May 1981
10 miles      G813
Richard Longley 43m 33s
Ashford Wheelers CC Grand Prix de Gentlemen 15 ...
15 miles      QS/18
Richard Longley
Sch Under 16
1h 12m 55s
East Sussex CA 25 miles 28 June 1981
25 miles      G834
Richard Longley
Sch Under 16
27m 08s
Kent CA 10 miles 13 September 1980
10 miles      Q10/19
Richard Longley
Sch Under 16
27m 53s
Club 10 miles 1 June 1980
10 miles      G813



Source: BONK Winter 1977  Date added:2022-02-24  Tags: Maurice Carpenter, Martin, Tim Carpenter, Terry, Stephen Carpenter, Dave Morris, Audrey Morris, Robin Peters, David Kitching, Jenifer Kitching, Esther Carpenter, Martin, Ron Longley, Ted Coussens, John Lawrence, Guy Little, Erie Spray, Richard Longley, Joanne Longley, Ragged Shorts

The end of the summer' mixed fortune being enjoyed, or rather endured, by our racing team, although from a series of D. N.S.'s, D.N.F’s, fallings off and blowing up, a few bright spots shine out. The E.S.C.A. ' 50 ' provided a few surprises for us - Maurice managed 4th place, 3rd handicap and 1st vet., Martin did a very praiseworthy 2.23.32, Tim finished with a credit able 2.29.40 and Terry did 2.31.21. In the E.S.C.A. '25' Tim deservedly won the 1st handicap with a two minute improvement to 1.8.29, with Stephen, our only other finisher, recording 1.11.15. The following week, Tim was 2nd fastest Juvenile in the K.C.A. ' 25 ' on Romney Marsh.

On the last Sunday in October, twelve people set off on our 50 in 4 trial. At the end of the madcap dash to Ringmer and back, only one person failed to report to the timekeeper within the allotted time. He was a member of 'another club', and succumbed to the siren lure of home as he rode through Sidley. Dave and Audrey even had time to partake of a. mini-banquet which they produced from their saddlebag and ate in a bus shelter. Robin Peters made one of his rare appearances, and rode round in fine style. This was David Kitching’s (" no relation" he laments), introduction to our way of club life; he and his wife Jennifer have joined us from the Hillingdon C.C., and we are very pleased to welcome them.

At our A.G.M. in mid - November, there was little change in the hierarchy. A few minutes aberration were sufficient to see Esther elected President for 1978. Martin has taken over from Dave Morris as Runs Captain, and Ron Longley and David have been added to the committee. We decided to introduce a new category of membership -· it was agreed that O.A.P' s. should pay the same reduced membership subscription as the juniors. So far, the expected hordes of senior citizens, brandishing their pension books and demanding membership have not materialised, but when word gets round, who knows what may happen!

At the moment we are all on tenterhooks for Ted Coussens, who only needs to ride just over 1,000 miles to achieve his ambition of reaching his 400,000 mile target. All being well, he should make it by spring of next year. We have seen little of John Lawrence throughout the summer, although he assures us he has been getting in the miles in the New Forest area. A long way to go for secret training rides, we thought, until he confided that he had relatives down there in the licensed victuallers trade, and they supplied the digs.

The Carpenters gave their recently acquired tandem an airing on the afternoon of the E.S.C.A. tourist trial. After one or two rather wobbly permutations had been tried, it was decided that Maurice and Esther should ride the machine to Hellingly, closely escorted by Tim and Stephen. They agreed that their journey was well worthwhile, as they demolished their share of the splendid tea provided by the Southboro' Ladies, although they felt rather shamefaced when they saw all the people who had been brave enough to start in the event in the morning.

Guy Little who celebrated his 70th birthday this year, is looking forward to next season, when he hopes to complete a hundred mile ride. Provided he can get through the winter, and given the right sort of conditions, he is confident he will succeed. Whilst tidying out his garden shed, Ernie Spray came across an article which he was able to identify as a bicycle, and he has promised that he will be in attendance on some of the more leisurely clubruns! This seems to be an ideal opportunity to thank the 'Rovers' for the hospitality they extended to us on a recent Monday evening. We are not quite in the same class as them at ping-pong, though Richard and Joanne did their best for us. We held our own at the more sedate games, and it was generally agreed to be a very jolly way of spending an evening.

As I seemed to have filled my quota of space, it remains only to wish you all a Happy Christmas and New Year. As ever,

Ragged Shorts


This is a list of documents held in the database. This does not include start and result sheets. These can be accessed via the results page or through the Clubs Page

Club/Association Date

Club Dinner Menu 26 January 1980
Menu  (Index #: 1198)
Hastings and St.Leonards CC 26/01/1980
Club Dinner Menu 27 January 1979
Menu  (Index #: 1199)
Hastings and St.Leonards CC 27/01/1979
Club Dinner Report Observer January 1980
Newspaper  (Index #: 1249)
Hastings and St.Leonards CC 25/01/1980
Handbook 1982
Handbook  (Index #: 1449)


You can sort by Date, Caption (based on the text) and Event (note there may not be an event lnked to an image and these will appear first)

Date      Caption      Event

1978 Club Dinner. Maurice Carpenter, Esther Carpenter, Tim Carpenter, Stephen Carpenter, Martin Chambers, Peter Baker, Arthur Coleman, Dennis Coleman, Richard Longley, John Lawrence, Ernie Spray, and John Ashdown
Image #336

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Web site hand coded by Tim