
This is the information held in the database about Styles.

I continue to clean the data (I am aware that there are duplicate resuls for example). If you can fill in any gaps (dates for examples), have any other results, or spot any errors please email us at:

Road Race Results


Distance      Course

Styles 2ndClub Handicap Heat 2 2 miles 1879-04-14
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
Styles 4thClub Handicap Final 2 miles 1879-04-14
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground

Newspaper Articles

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Hastings Observer

The half-yearly meeting of the members of the Hastings and St. Leonards Bicycle Club was held at the Seaside Hotel on Thursday evening, the chair being occupied Mr. Lovett. There were also present Mr E Gilbert, Captain; Mr Styles, Sub-Captain; Mr F Amon, Secretary; Mr White, Treasurer; and Messrs. A Lovett, jun., G Hutchings, Palmer, McCormick, Beckton, E Timewell, Sparks, Weller, Simms, Akers, Hinton, Veness, and Reed.

The minutes the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

The report, which was as follows, was read and adopted :

'The Committee present to the members their annual report and balance-sheet, from which it will be seen that the Club prospering in satisfactory manner, both financially and as regards an increased number of members. The Club runs for the past season, although enjoyable and successful, were not numerous. This was, no doubt, owing, in measure, to the inclemency of the weather. During the past quarter nine members have been elected, and one only (in consequence of leaving Hastings) had left the Club. The Committee particularly desire that members will endeavour to ' turn out' in satisfactory numbers for the weekly runs during the approaching season, which will be posted on the notice-beard in the usual way. The balance-sheet showed that after paying all expenses there would be £2 1s 6d. in hand. The receipts amounted to £8 16s.'

The next business was the election of officers.

Mr. E Gilbert said he had been trying to persuade Mr. A Lovett, sen. [A J Lovett], to act as president of the Club, but he had not succeeded in doing so. He therefore moved that Mr Lovett and Mr O Travers should be elected Vice-Presidents, the higher office being left vacant.

Mr Amon seconded, and the motion was carried.

Mr. Lovett said he would always be happy to be of any assistance to them, and he had no doubt he might say the same for Mr Travers.

The following officers were also elected: Captain, Mr E Gilbert; Sub-Captain, Mr Styles; Bugler, Mr Palmer; Secretary, Mr. Frederick Amon; Treasurer, Mr. White.

It was proposed that the sub-captaincy should be raced for, but the motion was lost.

The following gentlemen were elected as committee, together with the officers the Club: — Mr G Hutchings, Mr Simms, and Mr T Beckton.

"Success to the Club Runs" was then enthusiastically drank, after which some discussion ensued with reference to a list road-rules, etc, which had been drawn up by the Captain and Sub-Captain. These were of a most useful character and were eventually adopted.

The opening run of the Club was announced to take place on Wednesday next, at four o'clock, the journey being to Robertsbridge and back. The organisation a race meeting in connection with the Club was left the hands of the Committee.

The organisation of a race meeting in connection with the Club was left in the hands of the Committee

The proceedings terminated with vote thanks to the Chairman.

Hastings Observer
THE PEDESTRIAN FETE IN THE CRICKET GROUND. A pedestrian fete was held in the Central Cricket and Recreation Ground in the afternoon of Monday [14 April 1879], but owing, no doubt, to the dampness of the ground and the threatening aspect of the weather, the spectators were not nearly numerous as on previous similar occasions. The several events on the programme were carried out under the management of Mr S Watling, of Brighton, Mr. G F Finn officiating as handicapper and referee, and Mr H Cheal as starter. The band of the Hastings Rifle Corps was engaged, and played selections during the afternoon. Mr H Love, of the Pilot Inn, supplied the refreshments. The results of the racing were follows : ...

Two Miles Handicap Amateur Bicycle Race. —This race was restricted to members of the Hastings Bicycle Club only. There were eight entries, and it was run in two heats. In the first Lovett [A Lovett jun], 20 yards start, won and Gilbert, scratch, was second. In the second, Philcox, 10 yards start, was first; and Styles, scratch, second. The final heat was won by Lovett, Philcox being second, and Gilbert, third. Lovett, a young lad, rode remarkably well, and succeeded in overlapping his opponents, and passing them in splendid style, amidst loud applause from the spectators. ...


Hastings Observer
Hastings & St Leonards Bicycle Club
The annual meeting of the members of this Club was held at the Head-quarters, the Seaside and Pier Hotel, Thursday evening, Mr. A J Lovett being in the chair. There was a large number of members present.
The Secretary's statement showed the Club to be a complete success in every way.
The following officers were elected :—President, Sir. U J Kay-Shuttleworth, Bart., M.P. ; Vice-presidents, Messrs. A J Lovett, and O R Travers; Captain, Mr. E C Gilbert; Subcaptain, Mr. A Chesterfield; Hon. Secretary, Mr. F Amon; Treasurer, Mr. A J White; Bugler, Mr. C A Palmer.
There were three retiring members on the Committee—Messrs. C Davis, Beckton, and Sims—and these offered themselves for re-election. Messrs. J Tutt, H F Style, and C Wellerd, were also proposed, and on a ballot being taken, the successful candidates were Messrs. C Davis, H F Styles, and J Tutt.
Mr. E C Gilbert (Captain), referring to the general state the said he was very pleased to say the Club runs for the last quarter had been well attended. Two or three them, however had had be abandoned on account of the bad weather, but the whole, they were more successful than the previous quarter.
Messrs. Sparks and Wollvin were elected members.
It was decided that the whole of the members meet at head-quarters every Thursday, at 8.30, during the winter months.
The revision of the rules was left to the Committee.
It was announced during the meeting that the annual dinner would be held in November.
A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the proceedings.

Hastings Observer
Funeral of Bicyclist

On Wednesday last the mortal remains of Mr. Charles Davis, eldest son of Mr. J. Davis, of Grand Parade, were conveyed to their last resting place the Borough Cemetery. Deceased was a member of the Hastings Bicycle Club, and several the members attended the funeral. Amongst them were Mr A T Lovett (Vice-President), Mr E Gilbert (Captain), Mr Chesterfield (Sub-Captain), Mr Palmer (Bugler), Mr F Amon (Secretary), Mr A J Lovett, Mr Chester, Mr. Styles, Mr. S. S. Thompson, Mr. E. Thompson, Mr. Hinton, Mr. Beckton, Mr. Beck, Mr. R Parker, &c. All the members wore their uniforms.

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