H Davis

This is the information held in the database about H Davis.

I continue to clean the data (I am aware that there are duplicate resuls for example). If you can fill in any gaps (dates for examples), have any other results, or spot any errors please email us at: hastingsccarchive@gmail.com.

Time Trial Results


Note: Tri = Tricycle; Tan = Tandem; TT = Tandem Tricycle

Distance      Course

H Davis 1h 47m 20s
Club 30 miles 27 April 1930
30 miles      Romney Marsh (30)
H Davis DNFClub 42 miles 30 March 1930
42 miles      Rye - Hythe - Rye

Road Race Results


Distance      Course

H Davis 1stClub Handicap Mounting and Dismounting Heat 1 2...
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
H Davis 1stClub 150 Yard Slow Race Heat 1 Central Cricket ...
Central Cricket Ground
H Davis 2ndClub Mount and Dismount Heat 2 2 miles 1880-07-23
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
H Davis 2ndClub Mount and Dismount Final 2 miles 1880-07-23
2 miles      Central Cricket Ground
H Davis 2ndClub Handicap Heat 1 3 miles 1880-08-07
3 miles      Central Cricket Ground
H Davis Club Scratch Heat 1 1 miles 1879-07-09
1 miles      Central Cricket Ground
H Davis Club Championship Heat 2 5 miles 1879-07-09
5 miles      Central Cricket Ground
H Davis Club Consolation race 1 miles 1879-07-09
1 miles      Central Cricket Ground
H Davis Club Handicap Heat 2 1 miles 1880-07-23
1 miles      Central Cricket Ground
H Davis Club Plank Race Heat 2 Central Cricket Ground 1...
Central Cricket Ground
H Davis Club Handicap Heat 1 5 miles 1880-07-23
5 miles      Central Cricket Ground
H Davis Club Handicap Final 3 miles 1880-08-07
3 miles      Central Cricket Ground

Newspaper Articles

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Hastings Observer
THE HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARD BICYCLE CLUB. FIRST ANNUAL RACE MEETING. The first annual race meeting in connection with the Hastings and St. Leonards Bicycle Club, was held in the Central Cricket and Recreation Ground, on Wednesday. The weather was most inauspicious, heavy showers of rain falling during the afternoon; the attendance, therefore, was small. Mr Otho R Traver officiated as starter and Mr A J Lovett as judge. Mr French, of the Maidstone Bicycle Club, also assisted. The following are the results of the races :—

One Mile Club Championship Scratch Race. 1st prize, Championship Medal, presented Mr A J Lovett; 2nd, handsome Inkstand, presented by Messrs. Randle and Jenner : 3rd, Telescope, presented by Mr. Reed.

1st Heat
C A Palmer ....................1
A T Lovett....................2
S Philcox....................3
S S Thompson....................0
H Davis....................0
W L G Hinton....................0

Palmer went to the front at starting, and maintained his lead throughout. Davis was second, and kept so for about half-distance, when he was overtaken by Lovett, Philcox, and Thompson. At the finish the positions remained unaltered.

2nd Heat
E C Gilbert....................1
H F Style....................2
F W Beck....................3
J W Tutt....................0
E E Thompson....................0
F Amon....................0

Gilbert had it all his own way, and won easily.

Two Mile Handicap Mounting and Dismounting Race.—1st prize, a handsome-framed Painting, presented by Mr J Dearie; 2nd, a Biscuit Box, presented Mrs Story; 3rd. silver-plated Saloon Air Pistol, presented by Mr A J White.

1st Heat
H Davis, 50 yds start....................1
A T Lovett, scratch....................2
F W Beck, 150 yards....................3
F Amon, 100 yards....................0
W L G Hinton, 200 yards....................0

Davis soon took the lead, and maintained it throughout, winning easily. Lovett, however, who was gaining ground, dismounted too late, and had to go back, thus throwing himself behind some distance.

2nd Heat
A W Chesterfield, 100 yards start....................1
C A Palmer, 20 yards....................2
H F Style, scratch....................3
T Beckton, 60 yards....................0
E E Thompson, 100 yards....................0

Chesterfield won easily, having it all his own way with the good start given him. Beckton rode well for some distance, but he then gave up. Palmer was second and Style third.

150 Yards Slow Race.—1st prize, a Handsome Cup, presented by Mr C B Allen; 2nd, Flask, presented Mr H F Style.

1st Heat
H Davis....................1
E C Gilbert....................0
C A Palmer ....................0
S S Thompson....................0
A W Chesterfield....................0

All five competitors started, but the wind was evidently too strong for the slow pace at which the machines travelled, one after the other capsized until only Davis was left.

2nd Heat
A T Lovett....................1
E E Thompson....................2
F W Beck ....................0
C Davis....................0
F Amon....................0
W L G Hinton....................0

Lovett and E E Thompson were the only two who reached the winning-post, the others falling after the start.

3rd Heat
H F Style....................1
T Beckton....................2
S Philcox ....................0
J W Tutt....................0
A J White....................0

Style and Beckton were the only two to go the whole 150 yards, and finished in the order named.

Five Mile Club Championship Race.—1st prize, a Handsome Clock, presented by Mr. C B Gaitskelll; 2nd. Race glass, presented by Mr J C Brown, .of London; 3rd, a Gold Pin, presented Mr. J Fisher.

1st Heat
H F Style....................1
E E Thompson....................2
C Davis ....................3
J W Tutt....................0
C A Palmer....................0
F Amon....................0
T Beckton....................0

C. Davis went away with the lead, F Amon being second, Style third, and Thompson fourth. Amon soon passed Davis, however, but shortly afterwards fell back into second place. The third and fourth men kept close company, and gradually gained on their opponents, and eventually took first and second place, Davis being third. In this order they came in. Beckton met with accident and had to retire; Amon also capsized.

2nd Heat
E C Gilbert....................1
S Philcox....................2
S S Thompson ....................3
A T Lovett....................4
H Davis....................0
W L G Hinton....................0

S S Thompson went away with the lead, Gilbert being second, Philcox third, and Lovett fourth. This order was maintained for sometime, when Thompson capsized, which threw him back into fourth place, about fifty yards behind Lovett. He, however, was soon up and at it again, being loudly cheered as he gained on the others. He soon overtook Lovett, and came in third, he having ridden exceedingly well. Gilbert was first, and Philcox second.

One Mile Consolation Race (Open to Members riding in two of the previous races, and not winning a prize). 1st prize, a Writing Case, presented by Mr Otho R Travers; 2nd, a Gold Pencil Case, presented by Mr E C Gilbert; 3rd, Thermometer, presented by Mr F Amon.

H Davis....................1
E E Thomson ....................3

This was the best race of the day, six starting. They kept in close company during the whole race. H. Davis was first, being about a foot in front of Beck. E. E. Thomson finished third, about the same distance in front of Hinton.

Final of One Mile Championship
Philcox ....................3

This was an excellent race, the competitors keeping well together for some time. Gilbert and Palmer then went a little ahead, and had a hard fight for first place. Gilbert, however, was misinformed as to the number of rounds, and lost a lead which he had obtained. He put on a spurt, but could not again overtake Palmer, who won by about a yard, Philcox being third.

Final of Two Mile Handicap Mounting and Dismounting
Chesterfield 100 yards start....................1
Lovett scratch....................2
Style scratch ....................3

Chesterfield again had everything his own way, and won by about 120 yards. A Lovett was second, and Style third.

Final of 150 yards Slow Race
Lovett ....................1
Beckton ....................2

Only two reached the goal, Beckton going in first and Lovett second. Lovett thus took first, and Beckton second prize.

Final of Five Mile Club Championship Race
S S Thompson....................3

This was a good race between Philcox and Gilbert, who kept re-passing each other, and had hard fight for first place. Gilbert eventually won by about ten yards. S S Thompson was third.
The prizes were presented at the close of the race.

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