Fred Martin
This is the information held in the database about Fred Martin.
I continue to clean the data (I am aware that there are duplicate resuls for example). If you can fill in any gaps (dates for examples), have any other results,
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Source: BONK Autumn 1964 Date added:2022-02-02 Tags: Robert French, Martin Chamber, Jack Southerden, Maurice Carpenter, John Mansell, Roy Manser, Fred Martin, Guy Little, Ted Coussens, Peter Miles, Stan Russell
The time trial season is now well on its way and some of the events may seem a long way back. It is not my intention to go over the programme week by week as many accounts naturally duplicate in other notes.
The KCA 50 was held in blustery and showery weather. Roy Manser won in 2-6-6. Bob French got going very well and should have been somewhere near this time. He unfortuately punctured and sufferred a delay of 9 minutes finishing in 2-18-58. Martin Chambers recorded 2-18-29.
Seven members entered the ESCA 25 held in June. Martin Chambers was best and recorded 1-4-29. He was eight fastest. One of our regular supporters in the all round sense, Brian Kent from London, did a personal best tricycle ride of 1-9-39.
Jack Southerden was amongst members who turned out to ride in the Sussex Senior road race championships. Unfortunately non managed to finish the event. An excellent photo of Jack in uncharachteristic style appeared in the local paper by way of compensation. On the same week end Maurice Carpenter partnered by John Mansell (Worhting Excelsior) rode the tandem trike in the Colchester Tandem 30. Their time was 1-12-36.
It was a wonderful morning for the club Open 50. Hazy with a soft breeze. 95 entries were received from a wide area, establishing this event as a popular fixture in the South.
With all racing members on the start sheet, and many on holiday, marshalling was far from easy. Dennis Neeves found the stregth and stamina for the push off. I should like to mention that in addition to a mountain of other work, Fred Martin, our President motored 300 miles to make the event possible. Guy Little has requested that green sponges be barred in future. From remarks afterwards it appears that everything went well for the competitiors. All six ladies faced the starter. They were not so lucky as the wind increased later on, but they plugged unfalingly. Bob French was in good form and triumphed in 2-3-23. R Gardiner (Folkestone) and J Clements (Letchworth Velo) were second and third respectively. Pam Wells won the ladies in 2-24-47 with Jean Baker (San Fairy Ann) and Iris Stevens (Eastbourne) second and third. Brian Kent (Mephisto) won the trike secion. Veteran Ted Coussens turned up and road in his usual steady style. As he rode to the event it was quite a tidy mileage for the morning.
After the event the sky clouded and the wind increased. The left over marshalls were robbed of the much anticpated kip on Little Stone Beach. Instead we had a chilly and fitful snooze on some forlorn grass verge. Tea at Stone was enjoyed before the weary ending to a succesful day.
Our Presidets’ birthday run was belssed with the usual fne weather as on previous occasions. Whether the dates come from Old Moore’s Almanack or not they are always right. As befitting the title this was a leisurly run. Elevenses were at Chitcombe. Just past Robertsbridge we bumped into a crowd of some 50 ramblers. Lunch was al fresco at Burwash. As the pub was near the recreation ground we were able to take our drinks over and watch the local cricket match. When they adjourned for lunch the midday break was rounded of by a snooze in the hot sunshine. Tea was originally arranged for the “Abbey Hotel” Battle, but they could not take us on this occasion. “The Star” bang opposite was fortunatley able to take us at a moments notice. It was a fine tea and not since pre war have I seen so much on the table. Although we had several young people at the tea, some was left over. Many thanks, Fred from all for an excellent day. In Battle ramblers were as thick as flies. Just like the 1930’s. Life goes on.
The evening 10’s have been well supported. Rye with Jim Holland at the head have provided fine support throughout. Bob French has done some 23m. odd at times. The juniors who turn up everytime must be mentioned. Peter Miles has proved fastest so far.
The experimental photographic evening last year proved a success. By popular request another evening on a bigger scale is planned for this year. It will be held at the “Abbey Hotel”, Battle on the 25th October commencing 4-30 p.m. Tickets including buffett tea 5/6. Those who would like to compete are invited to submit not more than 4 half plate prints mounted on card with a one inch border. Anyone may also submit 4 colour slides of 35 mm size only. A film show will round of the evening.
Stan Russell. |
Source: Extract from 1967 section of Jack Southerden's supplement to his book "80 Years Awheel Date added:2023-03-10 Tags: East Sussex CA, Social, Fred Martin, Trophy, George Parsons, Cycling
The 21st annual luncheon of the East Sussex Cycling Association, held at Langley, near Eastbourne, on 26th November [1967], brought together a large number of past and present associated members, and George Parsons, former editor of "Cycling", was a special guest.
Among the formalities was the presentation to the Association of the F L March memorial trophy which the club had obtained through subscriptions. [Extract from 1967 section of Jack Southerden's supplement to his book "80 Years Awheel"]. |
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(FR) Len Hughes, Fred Martin, Ted Coussens. (Second Row) Stephen Carpenter, Esther Carpenter, (Back Row) Dennis Coleman, Ernie Spray, Maurice Carpenter, Bill Collins (Eastbourne Rovers CC). Club Dinner probably 1970 Image #256
Arthur Coleman, Fred Martin, and Esther Carpenter at a 1950s Dinner Image #6
Cecil Blank, Esther Rolleston, Fred Martin, Club Run at the Ash Tree Pub in Ashburnham Image #245
Club Dinner (poss 1960). Foreground: Lyn Chambers, Ian May, Ken Stevens (Eastbourne Rovers CC). Top Table: Ted Harrison (Medway RC), Percy Bliss, Wilf Baker, Jack Southerden, Fred Martin. Frederick March Table 2: Ted Coussens, Ron Powell, Ernie Spray, Esther Carpenter, Maurice Carpenter Table 3: Bill Collins (Eastbourne Rovers CC) Table 4: Arthur Coleman, Ben Coleman, Dennis Coleman, Wendy Oliver, Alan Oliver Image #44
Club Dinner 1958(?) Top Table: Jack Southerden, Frederick March, Fred Martin, Roy Humphrey (Eastbourne Rovers CC), Frank Rix. Foreground: Arthur Coleman, Dennis Coleman, Ben Coleman, Esther Rolleston, Maurice Carpenter, Bob French, Ron Powell, Mrs A Carpenter, Malcolm Gardner, Michael Lingham Middle: Sid Powell, Bill Collins (Eastbourne Rovers CC), Wendy Oliver, Alan Oliver, Possibly Tony Moorhouse. Image #197
Club Dinner 29 January 1966. Fred Martin, Esther and Maurice Carpenter, Ernie Spray and Dave Morris Image #314
Club Dinner 31 January 1970 - Maurice Carpenter, Esther Carpenter, Fred Martin, Bill Collins (eastbouren Rovers CC), Dave Morris Image #535
Club Dinner. Esther Carpenter, Bill Collins, Fred Martin, Ron and Sid Powell, Ted Coussens, Ernie Spray, Pete Crowsley, Ted Harrison, Jack Southerden Poss mid 1960s Image #518
Club Dinner. Esther Carpenter, Maurice Carpenter, Bill Collins, Fred Martin. Poss mid 1960s Image #519
East Sussex Autumn 50 Trophy presented by the club and Fellowship of Kent and Sussex Cyclists in memory of Fred March by subscription presented at the 21st Birthday Image #506
East Sussex Autumn 50 Trophy presented by the club and Fellowship of Kent and Sussex Cyclists in memory of Fred March by subscription presented at the 21st Birthday Image #507
Fred Martin Rye Sports 5 August 1963 Image #379
Fred Martin, Esther Rolleston, Maurice Carpenter at the Ash Tree Pub in Ashburnham Image #247
Fred Martin, Esther Rolleston, Maurice Carpenter at the Ash Tree Pub in Ashburnham Image #248
John Davies, Martin Chambers, Fred Martin, Lyn Chambers, Maurice Carpenter during racing trip to Paris Image #36
Rye Sports Day 1963 Jack Southerden, Unknown, Unknown, Bob French, Gasson team shield winners with Fred Martin Image #434
This was in a roll of Scottish images - possibly Fred Martin Image #231
Unknown, Esther Rolleston, Fred Martin, Club Run at the Ash Tree Pub in Ashburnham Image #246