This is the information held in the database about Hastings Warrior CC Devil take the Hindemost 12 July 1951.
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Hastings Observer |
CENTRAL GROUND SPORTS DESPITE the bad turn which the weather did for the cycling and athletic sports, held at the Central Ground under the auspices of the Hastings Warrior Cycling Club Thursday night, all the events went off to schedule. The wet ground naturally affected the times, and number Intending competitors scratched, but notwithstanding this about 100 young athletes took part, coming from as far afield as London, Brighton and Maidstone. Ivan Buckland [Ivan Buckland (Hastings Warrior CC)], of the Warriors Cycling Club, again showed himself to be a champion in the making when he won three the four cycling events in which he was entered. His track craft was outstanding, and he fully deserved the cheers received when he sped home to victory in the 880 yds. N.C.U. championships (Sussex Centre), the E.S.C.A. 1,000 yds. championship -—both which he has held for three years—and the 880 yds. handicap. … Special mention must made of the excellent organisation of the sports, which, under the leadership of Mr G W. Jenkins [George Jenkins], went off smoothly from start to finish. The Carnival Queen distributed the prizes. Results were: … [Athletic results] Cycling.—One lap novices’ scratch race: 1, M Stoten [M Stoten (Hastings Warrior CC)], Hastings Warrior CC; 2, I David, Rye Wheelers; 3, D. Neeves [Dennis Neeves (Hastings Warrior CC)], Hastings Warriors C.C.; time, 32sec. Sussex Centre N.C.U. ½mile championship: 1, I. Buckland [Ivan Buckland (Hastings Warrior CC)], Hastings Warriors; 2, P. E. Riddleston, Brighton and Hove Wheelers; 3, R. E. Salvage, Brighton and Hove Wheelers; time. 1min 21 1-5 sec. Half-mile handicap: 1, I. Buckland [Ivan Buckland (Hastings Warrior CC)], Warriors; 2. P. E. Riddleston Brighton and Hove Wheelers; 3, J. Thatcher, Senlac Road Club; time, 1min 16sec. E.S.C.A. 1.000 yds. championship: 1, I. Buckland [Ivan Buckland (Hastings Warrior CC)], Hastings Warriors CC; 2, J. Thatcher, Senlac Road Club; 3, M. Stoten [M Stoten (Hastings Warrior CC)], Warriors: time, 1min. 34 3-ssec. E.S.C.A. 2½mile team pursuit championship, semi-final: 1, Royal Tunbridge Wells Albion C.C.; 2, Hastings Cycling and Athletic Club; times. Tunbridge Wells. 7min. 2-5sec.; Hastings, 7min. 5 2-5sec. Devil take the hindmost: 1, F. Higgins, Brighton Stanley C.C.; 2, T. Baldwin [Terry Baldwin], Hastings C. and A.C.; 3, B. Booth, Brighton Mitre. Event: Hastings Warrior CC Novice Scratch Race 12 July 1951, Hastings Warrior CC 880 yards NCU Sussex Centre Championship 12 July 1951, Hastings Warrior CC 880 yards Handicap 12 July 1951, Hastings Warrior CC East Sussex CA 1000 yards Championsip 12 July 1951, Hastings Warrior CC Devil take the Hindemost 12 July 1951, |
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